As of November 30, 2013, this wiki is on hiatus; it will not be updated while on hiatus.
For more information, contact:

The ICT4EMPL Future Work project aims to inform policy of new forms of work and pathways to employability mediated by ICTs - Information and Communications Technologies.

The ICT4EMPL research project on how ICT can support employability is in the context of of implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and the Digital Agenda for Europe.

Here is the final paper.

This part of the ICT4EMPL Future Work Project hosted on the web site you are reading now was focused on virtual volunteering / online volunteering.

The specific information and people that were sought for this project included:

The researcher also worked to connect with individuals / organizations that have:

The researcher is no longer seeking information for this research project; the draft paper has been submitted.

The European Commission agency that launched and oversaw the overall ICT4EMPL Future Work Project can be contacted about its future:
Joint Research CentreInstitute for Prospective Technological StudiesInformation Society Unit

As of November 30, 2013, this wiki is on hiatus; it will not be updated while on hiatus.
For more information, contact:

You may contact the author of this research, Jayne Cravens.

Also see these specific questions and obstacles we explored for this research project.

Información en español.

Informations en français.

Informationen in Deutsch.

Wiki Contents

--end of original wiki content--

If you are interested in virtual volunteering, not just as it applies to Europe but as it is undertaken worldwide, please see the Virtual Volunteering Wiki, which continues to be updated.

For more information on how organizations can leverage Internet-mediated volunteering, see:

The ICT4EMPL wiki is now hosted by Jayne Cravens, who is also its author. She is NOT an employee of the European Commission.

For information on the ICT4EMPL project not already covered in this blog, for information regarding the future of the project, or for information on any European Commission projects, contact

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