Sanchez Elementary School Online Mentoring Program

Gift Policy

Please do NOT feel obligated to send your youth protegé a gift. You are welcomed to do so, but please understand that it is NOT a requirement of this program.

If you do wish to send or bring a gift to your youth protegé:


Some of the material on this page was adapted from the support materials from the Cyberspace Seniors/InterAge CyberPals Classroom Project, based in Tucson, Arizona (used here with permission).

V E R S I O N: December 15, 2000

Return to the main page of Online Mentoring Guidelines and Activities

Return to the main page of the Sanchez Elementary School Online Mentoring Program


VERSION: December 15, 2000


Return to the main page of the Sanchez Elementary School Online Mentoring Program

This web site is Copyrighted © 2000 by Jayne Cravens

Permission is granted to quote from this web site so long as the author and web site are noted.
Please notify me if you intend to use these materials or to quote me. You don't have to, but it would be appreciated.

This resource was developed by Jayne Cravens for Sanchez Elementary School in Austin, Texas;
the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin; and the Virtual Volunteering Project.
This online mentoring program is no longer operational; these web materials have been preserved to help other schools develop their own online mentoring programs. You can find more online mentoring resources here